Debian Mirrors Hierarchy

After finding AlmaLinux mirror sync capacity at Tier 0 (or Tier 1, however you look at it) is around 140 Gbps, I wanted to find source and hierarchy in Debian mirroring systems.

There are two main types of mirrors in Debian - Debian package mirrors (for package installs and updates) and Debian CD mirrors (for ISO and others medias). Let’s talk about package mirrors (and it’s hierarchy) first.

Package mirror hierarchy

Trace file was a good starting point for checking upstream for a package mirror in Debian. It resides at <URL>/debian/project/trace/_traces and shows flow of data. Sample trace file from’s mirror. It showed, canonical source for packages is Checking via, showed it’s fasolo.d.o hosted at Brown University, US. This serves as “Master Archive Server”, making it a Tier 0 mirror. It’s entry mentions that it has 1 Gbps shared LAN connectivity (dated information?) but it only has to push to 3 other machines/sites.

Side note - .d.o is

As shown on, the three sites are:

            (NL) ---> to the world
ftp-master.d.o (US) -- (AT)  --> to the world 
                     syncproxy2.wna.d.o (US) --> to the world
A visualation of flow of package from ftp-master.d.o

These form the Debian Tier 1 mirror network, as all the mirrors sync from them. So Debian has atleast 50 Gbps+ capacity at Tier 1. A normal Debian user might never directly interact with any of these 3 machines, but every Debian package they run/download/install flows through these machines. Though, I’m unsure what wna stands for in syncproxy2.wna.d.o. NA probably is North America and W is west (coast)? If you know, do let me know.

After Tier 1, there are a few more syncproxies (detailed below). There are atleast 45 mirrors at Tier 2, updates for which are directly pushed from the three Tier 1 sync proxies. Most country mirrors i.e. are at Tier 2 too (barring a few like, etc).

Coming back to Sync proxies at Tier 2:

Coming back to, one can see chain extend till Tier 6 like in case of this mirror in AU which should add some latency for the updates from being pushed at ftp-master.d.o to them. Ideally, which shouldn’t be a problem as mentions “The main archive gets updated four times a day”.

In my case, I get my updates from NITC mirror, so my updates flows from US > US > TW > IN > me in IN.

CDNs have to internally manage cache purging too unlike normal mirrors which directly serve static file. Both (sponsored by Fastly) and (sponsored by Amazon Cloudfront) sync from following CDN backends:

See deb.d.o trace file and cdn-aws.deb.d.o trace file.

(Thanks to Philipp Kern for the heads up here.)

CD image mirrors Hierarchy

Till now, I have only talked about Debian package mirrors. When you see /debian directory on various mirrors, they’re usually for package install and updates. If you want to grab the latest (and greatest) Debian ISO, you go to Debian CD (as they’re still called) mirror site.

casulana.d.o is mentioned as CD builder site hosted by Bytemark while pettersson-ng.d.o is mentioned as CD publishing server hosted at Academic Computer Club in Umeå, Sweden. Primary download site for Debian CD when you click download on homepage is is hosted here as well. This essentially becomes Tier 0 mirror for Debian CD. All Debian CD mirrors are downstream to it.

pettersson-ng.d.o / cdimage.d.o (SE) ---> to the world
A visualation of flow of Debian CD from cdimage.d.o

Academic Computer Club’s mirror setup uses a combination of multiple machines (called frontends and offloading servers) to load balance requests. Their document setup is a highly recommended read. Also, in that document, they mention , “All machines are reachable via both IPv4 and IPv6 and connected with 10 or 25 gigabit Ethernet, external bandwidth available is 200 gigabit/s.”

For completeness sake, following mirror (or mirror systems) exists too for Debian:

Debian heavily rely on various organizations to donate resources (hosting and hardware) to distribute and update Debian. Compiling above information made me thankful to all these organizations. Many thanks to DSA and mirror team as well for managing these stuffs.

I relied heavily on which seems to be manually updated, so things might have changed along the way. If anything looks amiss, feel free to ping.